Apple Trees
Find the apples and plant an orchard.
First, sing it. Then hands on, do it!
Upside down or right side up? Play with studs and empty spaces to make regular friezes.
To practice tactile exploration, discrimination and organisation of the bricks.
To follow oral instructions to create a pattern.
1 baseplate
11 letter bricks: a mix of G and C in a bowl
Tell the child to attach bricks from the bowl together to make an “up, up, down” pattern in a line: 2 bricks up (flat space at the bottom), 1 brick down (flat space at the top).
Ask them to repeat the “up, up, down” pattern until the end of the line.
Help the child identify the flat space on the brick (the space where the character is printed, for sighted people): it has to be at the bottom of the brick.
Explain that placing the flat space at the bottom is the best way to be sure the brick is oriented correctly.
Change the letter bricks.
Change to a different pattern.
Swap roles: ask the child to decide on a pattern for you to follow.