We train practitioners in all of the countries where LEGO® Braille Bricks are available. The aim is to promote the learning of braille and to support all the children who could benefit from it.
The training is free of charge, as the project is non-profitmaking for all parties involved.
½ day of training
free of charge
The training sessions are intended for professionals, specialists and non-specialists, who work with visually impaired (VI) children.
The training sessions depend on the number of participants and the availability of our trainers. For any inquiries, please fill out the contact form below.
Activities for ages 4-10
Start using LEGO Braille Bricks, follow training with hands-on workshops:
Adapt the principles of learning-through-play to visually impaired children.
Understand the concept of braille bricks and learn about the activities.
Learn about the prerequisites for learning braille, known as pre-braille.
Learn how to use LEGO Braille Bricks to foster inclusion.
Why take a training course ?
These innovative braille bricks and the educational programme that comes with them are designed to promote the acquisition of academic skills and skills specific to the visually impaired.
LEGO Braille Bricks is not a building set, but a method to start learning braille through play, and to work on academic skills.
The training course is designed to save you time and help you get the most out of the bricks and the associated educational activities with your students.
What are the aims of the training course?
Understand the principles of learning-through-play and how to adapt them to visually impaired children. Design an educational approach that develops the child’s physical, creative, social, emotional and cognitive skills.
Experiment with workshop activities that correspond to children’s various stages of learning:
Tactile, auditory and kinesthetic activities to develop fine motor skills, spatial awareness, imagination and early reading skills.
Basic braille
Discovery games to learn the structure of the braille cell, distinguish dot combinations, learn letters, numbers and braille symbols.
Fun activities to improve vocabulary and spelling, sequence numbers, perform simple calculations, and encourage socialisation and rule-following in multiplayer games.
Learn how to use this method in inclusive educational settings.
Share your experience with your fellow trainees and develop your network within the community of visual impairment professionals already using the LEGO Braille Bricks concept.
Contact form
Training courses require a small group of participants and depend on the availability of our ambassadors. If you would like to organise a training course for a group of professionals or if you would like to find out about upcoming courses in your area, please contact us by leaving your details below.