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Fix the Fence

The fence is broken and the animals have gone!
Quick! Fix it and bring them back.

Pre-braille Activity

  • Imagination
  • Spatial concepts
  • Tactile exploration

Level: 2

Number of players: 1

Duration: 10 min


  • Build a construction

  • Develop tactile tracking skills

  • Use a toy to represent a real object

  • Collect / organise information

Imagine that the baseplate is a farmyard. Can you feel the holes in the fence? Fix them and bring the horses, rabbits and chickens back home.


To develop fine motor skills to track a line and find differences.

The adult prepares

  • all the bricks in the box

  • 1 baseplate

  • 1 bowl

Place one row of bricks along the edge of the baseplate to form a fence. Remove 5 bricks to create holes to be fixed. Place the bricks you remove in the bowl.

Prepare in advance piles of bricks to represent the animals or find small toys animals.

The children play


Ask the child to follow the fence, find the holes, and fix them with the bricks from the bowl.


When the fence is fixed, the child can put the animals in the farmyard and play with them.

So this is a goat and it’s the mother
she’s inside the field, and around it,
you have a fence.
It has holes in it.
The mother goat,
She had babies.
Find them.
They escaped. Yeah.
And you are Mr. Fix-it.
If you find bricks
to fix the fence.
Is it fixed?
So you can place back
all the animals together.
You fixed the fence,
and now they are safe.
And they can stay inside.
As you are a really great fixer,
we have another fence for you to fix.
Right, right.
Quick, quick. They are trying to escape.
They will escape?
Oh, we don’t want them to.
Hurry up!
You need to help the farmer.
You’re doing a great job!
Check all along the fence
and well done.

Facilitation tips

  • Encourage the child(ren) to explore the baseplate with both hands.

  • Vary the number and size of the holes in the wall.

  • Ask the child to make animals with the bricks (cows, chicken…)

  • Build a higher broken wall, with several layers of bricks.

  • If you have a child under the age of 4 or one who has difficulty grasping, you can do this activity with DUPLO.