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Find the Crazy Duck

All the little ducks are in a line.
All… but one!

Pre-braille Activity

  • Fine motor skills
  • Spatial concepts
  • Tactile exploration

Level: 2

Number of players: 1

Duration: 10 min


  • Locate objects

  • Orient objects

  • Develop tactile tracking skills

  • Reproduce, create patterns

Did you know that ducklings always follow their mother? But one duckling has gone crazy! Find him and get him back in line.


To compare different orientations of bricks on a baseplate.
To learn how to place a brick in the vertical position.

The adult prepares

  • 1 baseplate

  • 10 bricks

Make a line of spaced bricks in reading position, across the top of the base plate.
Place one of those bricks vertically.

The children play


Ask the child to explore the baseplate and find the crazy duck who hasn’t followed his mother.
Tell them to pick the crazy duck up and put back in line.

There is a big row of ducks,
and you’re going to find
the one that is crazy
and has turned himself upside down.
You’re going to have to find
The one who’s out of line.
Look, they’re the same,
and then, what happens?
They’re not in the same direction.
Can you put it back the right way?
Yes, I will.
It’s hard.
Well done!
Well done! Let me help you a little bit.

Facilitation tips

  • Encourage the child to make a story:  Why do you think the duck was out of line?

  • Change roles:  Ask the child to make the row with one crazy duck

  • Change the orientation of the bricks.

  • Have more than one crazy duck.