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Throw your Numbers

Throw them high and see how much you get!

Braille Activity

  • Comparing
  • Fine motor skills
  • Numeracy

Level: 2

Number of players: 1 and +

Duration: 10 min


  • Name, read, write numbers

  • Calculate with numbers

  • Locate object

  • Develop coordination

The bricks fall in the lid. Ignore all the “broken” numbers: bricks upside down, fallen on their  side, or outside the lid. Add the numbers on remaining bricks together.


To practise addition, with a fun maths activity.

The adult prepares

  • 10 number bricks in a bowl

  • the toolkit lid

The children play


Tell the child to take all the bricks in their hands and throw them in the air, trying to land them on the lid.


The child picks up any bricks that have fallen upside down or sideways and puts them back in the bowl.

They add up the numbers on the bricks that have fallen right side up in the lid.

So I’m going to give you number bricks
that are in the bowl.
Take all the bricks in your hands
and you are going
to throw them in the air,
but they have to land on the lid.
Ready? Go.
Now it’s a mass activity.
You will have to add up all the numbers
that are in the correct position.
If a brick is upside down,
if it’s on the edge, it doesn’t count.
So you can do it.
So now you have
your four bricks,
and you have to add them all.
Four plus three…
A five.
That’s one.

Facilitation tips

  • Tell the child to throw more (or fewer) bricks.

  • Only count the even numbers (or odd numbers).

  • Subtract the numbers on the bricks that fall outside the lid, from the total inside the lid.