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Shout “Bingo!” And empty your card.

Braille Activity

  • Fine motor skills
  • Numeracy
  • Socialisation

Level: 2

Number of players: 3

Duration: 15


  • Name, read and write numbers

  • Calculate with numbers

  • Maintain attention

  • Develop self-regulation

Play the famous game of chance with sighted and non-sighted friends.


To read and add numbers together.
To improve communication skills in a social game setting.

The adult prepares

  • 2 baseplates with a number sign

  • all of the number bricks

  • 1 bowl

Create a Bingo card with a baseplate for each player: write 3 numbers (between 1 to 17) on each one, ensuring there are no duplicate numbers.

Place the remaining bricks in the bowl.

Designate a player to be the Bingo Caller.

The children play


Ask the Bingo Caller to pick 2 bricks from the bowl and read the 2 numbers aloud.


Tell the other players to add the 2 numbers together and check their Bingo card for the sum.

If a player has the number, tell them to shout “Bingo!” and remove the number.

The first player to find all 3 numbers wins.

This bingo is a simple maths activity that can be played in an inclusive setting.
Here two visually impaired students play with sighted classmates.

João will pick two LEGO bricks and he’s going to tell you what numbers he picked.
You have to add them and see if you get the result.
If you get the result, you take a little pawn and place it on top.
A 9 and a 5. You add it up in your head.
And if you have it, you can say ‘Bingo’, and take a little pawn and put it on top.
How much is it?
It’s fourteen.
So you can take a pawn and put it here. Shall we continue João?
You can put that aside.
I have a 4 and a 7.
4 and 7… Count in your head.
-And you put your little pawn on top.
João, go ahead.
-I’ve got a 0 and a 4.
Yes, yes, yes, I’ve got it! Bingo!
0 plus 4, what’s that?
I have a 5 and a 3.
So we can put it down there…
We’ll put it down like this,
It means you got Bingo.
An 8 and a 7.
Oh, I could have it!
-You have to count it.
If you think you could have it,
you have to count it.
8 + 7?
-15, that’s 15!
Don’t say the answer out loud, either you have it and you say Bingo, or you say nothing.

Facilitation tips

  • Remind the Bingo Caller to speak loudly and clearly so that all players can hear the correct numbers.

  • To make the activity easier, omit the math operation – players just listen for single numbers.

  • Vary the type of math operation to make it more difficult.

  • Change the number of bricks on the base plate or / and the number of bricks picked from the bowl.