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Hit the Target

Hit the target! Pick numbers and add them together as quick as you

Braille Activity

  • Comparing
  • Numeracy
  • Socialisation
  • Strategy

Level: 2

Number of players: 2 and +

Duration: 10


  • Calculate with numbers

  • Develop strategies to succeed

  • Understand and follow instructions

  • Develop tactile exploration

One player says a number, the other looks for the bricks they need to reach it.
Take turns: the quickest player wins!


To encourage and support baseplate exploration.
To solve simple math equations.

The adult prepares

  • 1 baseplate with a number-sign brick.

  • 20 number bricks from 0 to 9

  • 1 bowl

Place the number-sign at the top left corner of the baseplate.

Place all the number bricks anywhere on the baseplate, in various positions (vertical, horizontal).

The children play


Ask player 1 to pick a number in their head, between 10 and 20; that is the target number.


Tell player 2 to select number bricks and add the numbers together until the sum equals the target number.

Check the answer together and take turns.

Facilitation tips

  • Reduce (or expand) the range of possible target numbers.

  • Use other math operations to reach the target

  • Play in teams. In this example, VI and sighted children are playing together.
    The target number is given by the adult.

With LEGO Braille Bricks, it’s easy to play inclusive maths games

In front of you,
you all have a Lego plate.
There’s a little brick
in the top left corner.
If you hold your plate correctly,
top left,
there’s a little brick.
Well, that brick means that all the bricks
that are on this plate,
they are numbers.
I’ll give you a number.
And you, you’re going to have to find out
bricks that can make this number
by adding them.
And in that case, you take the brick
you take the brick ‘three’, you take the brick ‘two’,
and you put it in your bowl.
So the number is twelve.
We’ll take the bricks to add up to twelve.
What can make twelve?
You have to read the numbers on it,
and find several to make twelve.
There you go, see if you have a nine
and see if you have a three.
So Jérémy and Imaran’s group,
what solution do you have?
Six plus six!
-Six plus six.
Do we all agree?
And you, João, what did you find?
I found a nine and a three.
Nine plus three.
Do you agree with him?
Yes !
-Me too!