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Number Wall

Break that wall! But only remove one type of bricks.

Braille Activity

  • Classification
  • Numbers
  • Socialisation
  • Spatial concepts

Level: 1

Number of players: 2

Duration: 10 min


  • Recognise odd and even numbers

  • Collect and organise the information

  • Develop bilateral hand use

  • Accept turn taking

We don’t want odd numbers in this wall. How many can you remove, leaving all the even numbers?


To classify numbers by category: odd or even.
To understand and follow rules.

The adult prepares

  • 1 number-sign brick

  • 20 number bricks

  • 1 baseplate

  • 1 bowl

Build a 4-storey wall made out of 20 number-bricks on the baseplate.

The children play


Tell player 1 to find an odd number at the top of the wall and to remove it.


Player 2 takes their turn.
Both players continue to play until there are no more odd number bricks along the top of the wall.

Facilitation tips

  • Ask the children to help you find different criteria for choosing the bricks to remove: only bricks with 2 studs, only even numbers, multiples of 2 or 3 etc.

  • Add other bricks to the wall, for example letters or symbols.