Battle of Numbers
Pick a higher number and win the battle!
Break that wall! But only remove one type of bricks.
We don’t want odd numbers in this wall. How many can you remove, leaving all the even numbers?
To classify numbers by category: odd or even.
To understand and follow rules.
1 number-sign brick
20 number bricks
1 baseplate
1 bowl
Build a 4-storey wall made out of 20 number-bricks on the baseplate.
Tell player 1 to find an odd number at the top of the wall and to remove it.
Player 2 takes their turn.
Both players continue to play until there are no more odd number bricks along the top of the wall.
Ask the children to help you find different criteria for choosing the bricks to remove: only bricks with 2 studs, only even numbers, multiples of 2 or 3 etc.
Add other bricks to the wall, for example letters or symbols.