Basic braille
The Bull Pen
Where’s the bull? That’s up to you! Make a bull, then build his pen.
Pick a higher number and win the battle!
The highest number wins. If you get the highest number, you get both bricks. If it’s a tie, you have to play again.
This tactile battle of numbers is inspired by a popular card game.
12 random number bricks in a bag.
1 number-sign brick on the table to indicate that numbers are being played.
First, tell each player to take 6 bricks and stack them, without reading the numbers.
Then, each player takes the brick from the top of their stack and says the number aloud.
The player with the highest number wins the round and takes their opponent’s brick.
They place the 2 bricks (their own brick and the brick they just won) at the bottom of their stack.
If there is a tie, there’s a Battle of Numbers!
Each player takes the next brick from the top of their stack.
The player with the highest number wins all 4 bricks.
To win the game, one player must have all the bricks.
Olivia plays Battle of Numbers with Elise, her sighted friend. They obviously have a lot of fun!
Okay, so Elise, I’ve got my brick,
now it’s your turn.
Don’t want to take the bag with me.
So then it’s your go!
Okay, I’ve got mine.
And I’ve got mine.
I’ve got mine.
And I’ve also got mine!
And I’ve got mine.
It’s your go now.
Okay, I’ve got mine.
And I’ve got one
and that means you’ve got the last brick.
Thank you! Let’s look at all the bricks now.
Okay, you can put your brick down first.
I’ve got number nine.
-And I’ve got number two.
That means you win!
-Thank you.
Okay, I’ve got number…
Oh, I’ve got number four!
So close!
I’ve got
oh my God, I’ve got number nothing.
I’ve got zero.
So have I.
I’ve got to say it: Battle!
I’ve got a number two.
-I’ve got number eight.
I’ve got those ones.
I’ve got number five.
I’ve got number seven.
Oh, my God!
-I’m too good at this somehow.
And I’ve got number three.
You’ve got number three,
and I’ve got number six, that’s a shame!
Oh, man!
Oh. You’re out.
Oh, that was funny.
Explain that with the number-sign brick on the table, all the bricks are numbers even if the number-sign is not placed in front of each brick.
Change the rules: lowest number wins, even number wins etc.
Use this activity to practice the multiplication tables: the players have to multiply the numbers on the 2 bricks, the quickest player to give the correct answer wins both bricks.