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The Highest Tower

How high can you go? Quick! Get the bricks to build your tower!

Pre-braille Activity

  • Bi-manual
  • Fine motor skills
  • Tactile exploration

Level: 1

Number of players: 1

Duration: 10


  • Build a construction

  • Develop grasp-and-release

  • Stay motivated

  • Engage in imaginative play

Find all the bricks scattered over the baseplate. Put them in a pile, ready to start building!
Too difficult for little hands? Play with DUPLO instead.


To find, collect, and connect bricks.
To encourage bi-manual baseplate exploration.

The adult prepares

  • a baseplate

  • 4 random bricks

Hang the 4 bricks on each corner of the baseplate.

The children play


Help the child explore the whole surface of the baseplate to collect the bricks.
Check with them that they haven’t left any bricks behind.


Ask the child to build a tower, the highest tower they can, using all the bricks.

Facilitation tips

  • Encourage exploration of the baseplate with two hands.

  • Indicate the number of bricks to be found.

Use DUPLO with children under 4, or who cannot yet grasp LEGO bricks.

So you have Duplo blocks.
Can you remove them? Because you have to make the highest tower.
And what else? Yes. Ready for more?
I have another one for you.
So, remove all the bricks from the plate.
And then can you make the highest tower?
and higher!
I’ll put this on top and this can be the roof.
Pretty big and heavy roof. Do we have a problem here?
We need more LEGO on it.
Put them…
I made a slide!
This could be the biggest tower.
I think it is the biggest tower.