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Playdough Shapes

Play with bricks and playdough.

Pre-braille Activity

  • Fine motor skills
  • Spatial concepts
  • Tactile exploration

Level: 2

Number of players: 1

Duration: 15 min


  • Recognise shapes

  • Know the characteristics of shapes and objects

  • Develop hand and finger strength

  • Accept new tactile experiences

Roll a long rope of dough, form a nice shape and decorate it with bricks.


To recognise shapes.
To develop motor skills and bilateral hand-use.

The adult prepares

  • 10 random LEGO bricks (or DUPLO bricks) in a bowl

  • playdough

The children play


Help the child roll the playdough into a rope and fold it to make a triangle or a circle.


Tell the child to line the bricks up along the lines of the playdough shape (squashing the playdough).

Facilitation tips

  • Begin with DUPLO bricks with children under 4 or with other disabilities.

  • Make different shapes: triangle, square, circle.

  • Instead of making an outline with playdough, make a full, flat shape, then ask the child to cover the
    whole surface of it with bricks.

  • Ask: What other objects are like a triangle? (or other shapes).

Adrian is 4 years old. He’s getting used to manipulating bricks with bigger DUPLO.