Freezing Penguins
Lonely penguins get cold! Help them find a friend and warm each other up!
People’s heads are cold! Give them all a cap.
Put one brick on top of each of the bricks you find.
To explore the baseplate and identify simple spatial relationships.
To manipulate and attach bricks.
1 baseplate
10 random bricks
1 bowl
Place 5 bricks anywhere on the baseplate, ensuring they do not touch each other.
Place the 5 other bricks in a bowl.
Encourage the child to explore the baseplate with both hands to find a brick.
Tell them to take another brick and attach it on top of the brick, like a cap.
Explain and show different spatial relationships like ‘on top of’, ‘under’ etc.
Encourage the child to use both hands.
Suggest higher towers, a scarf and a cap.
Change the number of starting bricks.