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The Cap

People’s heads are cold! Give them all a cap.

Pre-braille Activity

  • Fine motor skills
  • Spatial concepts
  • Tactile exploration

Level: 1

Number of players: 1

Duration: 5 min


  • Locate objects

  • Discover the spatial organisation of a page

  • Develop hand and finger strength

  • Develop bilateral hand use

Put one brick on top of each of the bricks you find.


To explore the baseplate and identify simple spatial relationships.
To manipulate and attach bricks.

The adult prepares

  • 1 baseplate

  • 10 random bricks

  • 1 bowl

Place 5 bricks anywhere on the baseplate, ensuring they do not touch each other.
Place the 5 other bricks in a bowl.

The children play


Encourage the child to explore the baseplate with both hands to find a brick.
Tell them to take another brick and attach it on top of the brick, like a cap.

Facilitation tips

  • Explain and show different spatial relationships like ‘on top of’, ‘under’ etc.

  • Encourage the child to use both hands.

  • Suggest higher towers, a scarf and a cap.

  • Change the number of starting bricks.