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Drive the cars to the right parking place.

Pre-braille Activity

  • Pretend play
  • Spatial concepts
  • Tactile discrimination
  • Tactile exploration

Level: 3

Number of players: 1

Duration: 10 min


  • Recognise spatial relationships

  • Discover the spatial organisation of a page

  • Use a toy to represent a real object

  • Improve listening skills

There are 4 spaces in the parking lot. Don’t mix them up!


To practice listening comprehension and to improve understanding of spatial relationships.

The adult prepares

  • 1 baseplate

  • 8 equal-sign bricks

  • 16 or more random bricks

  • 1 bowl

In the middle of the baseplate, build a cross with the random bricks, to create a 4-car parking lot.

Build 4 cars by attaching two equal-sign bricks, one on top of the other, and place them in the bowl.

The children play


Tell the child to pick a car from the bowl and drive it in the top left parking spot.


Continue to give instructions, directing the child to all of the spots until the car park is full.

Suggest the child to have a free play session with the cars!

Facilitation tips

  • Preliminary exercise: explore the parking lot and name the locations of each spot – top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right…

  • Increase the number of cars and / or park several cars in the same spot.

  • Attaching 2 bricks together make the car taller and easier to feel when parked on the baseplate.