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A young girl sitting at a table, appearing thoughtful while playing with lego braille bricks. Thought bubbles around her show a black cat, a yellow taxi, and a tropical island with palm trees, representing her imagination.

The Story Factory

Pick 3 random bricks,
transform them into an amazing story.

Braille Activity

  • Creativity
  • Literacy
  • Socialisation

Level: 2

Number of players: 2 and +

Duration: 10 min


  • Develop storytelling

  • Retell or create simple stories

  • Read, write words

  • Participate with others

A letter leads to a word, a word starts a story…
With just 3 words, the children can let their imaginations run wild!


To invent and tell a story using letters and imagination.
The children mix words with ideas and personal experiences to tell a tale.

The adult prepares

A red drawstring bag partially filled with colorful braille bricks spilling out, including green, yellow, and blue pieces. A yellow brick labeled 'L' is shown floating above the bag against a dotted background.
  • a baseplate

  • 10 frequent letter-bricks in a bag

The children play

An image showing a yellow rectangular braille brick with a large letter 'L' and three green circles above it. Below, there are two speech bubbles. The first bubble contains the letter 'L' and the second bubble contains the word 'Lion!' The background consists of a grid of grey dots.


Player 1 picks a brick from the bag, attaches it to the baseplate and reads the letter.

They find a word (animal, object or place) beginning with their letter.

They pick 2 other bricks and find 2 other words.


Player 2 invents an amazing story, inspired by player 1’s words and tells it to their friends.

With the three words, you will have to invent a story.
A story?
Do you have imagination?
Let’s go. So what letter is it?
What is your word?
‘C’ for cane. ‘R’ for rabbit.
‘L’ for lion.
Do you remember the three words Kara?
‘C’ for cane, ‘R’ for rabbit,
‘L’ for lion.
Now you have to think of a story using those three words and your imagination.
Once upon a time, a rabbit was using a cane and he came across a lion.
And then, the rabbit and the lion were friends.
And he was showing off his cane to the lion.
They took turns using the cane back and forth, and they lived happily ever after, the end.

Facilitation tips

  • Taking turns, co-create the story. Mix everyone’s words and ideas together.

  • Encourage the children to let their imagination run wild and add to their stories.

  • Add a compulsory word.