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Bees Buzz

Bees buzz, cows moo…
Pick a brick! What animal is it?

Braille Activity

  • Creativity
  • Literacy
  • Socialisation
  • Spelling

Level: 1

Number of players: 2 and +

Duration: 10 min


  • Read and write words

  • Develop vocabulary

  • Make sounds

  • Participate with others

Pick a letter, think of a favourite animal, imitate the noise it makes…
Can your partner guess the animal?


To develop writing through the use of creative skills.

Let’s ask Frédéric
to take a brick from the bowl.
Can you read your letter?
So you’re going to make us guess
an animal you’re thinking of.
What noise does this animal make?
We’re listening.
So you two,
if you have found the animal,
you have to write down
what kind of animal it is.
You have to write the word
you are thinking of.
So, what animal did you write down?
So, was the animal, Frédéric,
was it a rooster?
My animal is ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’!
A rooster!
Yes, well done!

The adult prepares

  • A few letter bricks in a bag or a bowl

  • 1 alphabet baseplate

The children play


Player 1 picks a brick from the bowl, thinks of an animal starting with this letter, and makes the noise that animal makes.


Player 2 guesses what animal it is and writes their answer on the baseplate.

Let’s ask Frédéric to take a brick from the bowl.
Can you read your letter?
So you’re going to make us guess
an animal you’re thinking of.
What noise does this animal make?

We’re listening.

So you two,
if you have found the animal,
you have to write down
what kind of animal it is.

You have to write the word
you are thinking of.
So, what animal did you write down?

was it a rooster?

My animal is ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’!
A rooster!
Yes, well done!

Facilitation tips

  • Say: Imagine you’re in a zoo or in the jungle. What can you hear?

  • Choose a different noisy topic: vehicles, instruments, household objects etc.