Throw your numbers
Throw them high and see how much you get!
Add, try, add again, in rows, columns, diagonals.
It’s like a sudoku. Will you take up the challenge?
To understand the concept of grids; to improve math efficiency.
1 baseplate with a number-sign brick
9 number bricks (3 of each of the numbers 1, 2 and 3) in a bowl
Tell the child to build a magic rectangle with 3 rows.
The sum of the numbers in each row must be 6.
When the numbers in the columns and diagonals also add up to 6, the rectangle is magic!
So, Olivia, are you ready for the next activity?
So it will be, let’s see.
It will be… a number sign.
You will have to make column, or row.
But when you add the three bricks in a row or in a column, it has to make 6.
So 1 plus 2…
2 plus 3.
-Is it equal 6?
Yes. Yes.
So it means that it can be the beginning of our game.
Okay, done.
So, let’s check.
So the first row, if we read the row, if you add all the numbers?
1 plus 2 plus 3 equals 6.
2 plus 3 plus 1 equals 6
and 2 plus 3 plus 1 equals 6.
Okay. But remember it has also to make 6 in each column.
So if you start reading this column can you check if it makes 6?
Oh, that doesn’t make 6.
So can you change some bricks?
That one it was 6: I’ve done 2 plus 2 plus 2.
And then…
Okay, that doesn’t equal 6.
Okay now they’re done.
So that one that column both has 1, 2 and 3.
Yeah, so it makes 6.
And then that ones both have 1, 2 and 3.
And that one has 1, 2 and 3.
-And the rows are the same?
Yeah! So you succeeded.
That was really a tough activity. Great!
Suggest extra space between bricks for easier manipulation.
Create a magic rectangle with 2 missing bricks.