Basic braille
The Snake
What’s that slithering across the baseplate?! Watch out, it’s a snake!
Do you feel lucky? Roll the dice and see!
But luck isn’t enough if you can’t count and feel the dots…
To develop tactile exploration and count quantities.
To play with others and take turns.
2 baseplates
1 tactile dice
Put 20 bricks in a bowl:
4 x A
4 x B
4 x L
4 x P
4 x Q
The first player rolls the dice and reads the number aloud.
They have to find a brick in the bowl with that number of studs, and put it on their
The next player takes their turn.
The winner is the first player to have a sequence of bricks from 1 to 5 on their baseplate
If a player rolls a 6, they can pick any number they wish.
Roll the dice in a box-lid to avoid losing it.
Encourage light tactile exploration of the bricks.