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Roll the Dice

Do you feel lucky? Roll the dice and see!

Basic braille Activity

  • Classification
  • Numbers
  • Socialisation
  • Tactile discrimination

Level: 1

Number of players: 2 and +

Duration: 15 min


  • Understand that numbers express quantities

  • Count quantities

  • Develop tactile exploration

  • Accept turn-taking

But luck isn’t enough if you can’t count and feel the dots…


To develop tactile exploration and count quantities.
To play with others and take turns.

The adult prepares

  • 2 baseplates

  • 1 tactile dice

Put 20 bricks in a bowl:
4 x A
4 x B
4 x L
4 x P
4 x Q

The children play


The first player rolls the dice and reads the number aloud.

They have to find a brick in the bowl with that number of studs, and put it on their


The next player takes their turn.

The winner is the first player to have a sequence of bricks from 1 to 5 on their baseplate

If a player rolls a 6, they can pick any number they wish.

Facilitation tips

  • Roll the dice in a box-lid to avoid losing it.

  • Encourage light tactile exploration of the bricks.