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Let’s Play Categories

How many country names do you know? How many animals? Vegetables?
It’s time to show what you know!

Basic braille Activity

  • Imagination
  • Socialisation
  • Tactile discrimination

Level: 1

Number of players: 2 and +

Duration: 30 min


  • Develop tactile discrimination

  • Develop memory

  • Count quantities

  • Develop social interaction

This is a simplified version of the well known game.


To develop vocabulary by finding and giving lists of foods, countries, animals….

The adult prepares

All the bricks in the box.
Categories are indicated by the number of dots on a brick:

All the bricks in the box.
Categories are indicated by the number of dots on a brick.

  • 1 dot: countries

  • 2 dots: vegetables

  • 3 dots: fruits

  • 4 dots: animals

  • 5 dots: famous characters

  • 6 dots: first names (if you have 6-dot bricks in your set).

The children play


Ask player 1 to pick a brick from the box, count the number of dots, and name one thing in the related category.


Player 2 takes their turn.

Facilitation tips

  • Repeat the list of categories as needed.

  • Change the categories, depending on children’s interests.

  • Set a specific number of things to name.