Basic braille
Egg carton Number
Don’t forget the number sign!
Sort the letters and build 3 towers.
Stack the same letters together.
To recognise, name and track letters in a row.
To plan appropriate actions to complete directions and build letter towers.
1 baseplate
9 bricks (3 groups of 3 identical letters)
The 9 bricks are randomly aligned, horizontally, in correct reading position, on the baseplate.
Ask the child to choose a brick and read the letter.
Tell the child to find the other 2 bricks with the same letter and build a tower with the three bricks.
Tell them to make 2 more towers the same way.
Choose letters that are tactually different for an easier activity or tactually closer for a more difficult activity.
Try the same activity but with a different number of identical letters (4 x A 5 x B and 3 x C) to work on concepts such as higher, longer, smaller, shorter.