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The Mystery Number

How do you work out the Mystery Number?
Arrange the hundreds, tens and ones to solve the puzzle.

Braille Activity

  • Numeracy
  • Place Value
  • Writing

Level: 2

Number of players: 2

Duration: 10 min


  • Use numbers to show a rank, a position

  • Recognise place value

  • Participate actively

  • Develop tactile exploration

This is a tactile game to recognise the order of digits in a series of numbers. 
Given enough clues, the player will find the 3-digit hidden number.


To understand the numerical values of each column i.e. left column is for hundreds, middle column is for tens etc.

The adult prepares

  • Prepare 2 number-baseplates, one for each player.

  • On a third baseplate, create 3 columns with sausages of playdough.

  • Place letters H, T, O at the top of the columns to indicate hundreds, tens and ones. Give that third baseplate to player 2.

The children play


Tell player 1 to decide on their Mystery Number: they think of a 3-digit number and write it secretly on their number-baseplate.
Give player 2 a clue: for example: “the tens digit is a 3”.

Tell player 2 to place the number (3) in the correct column on the baseplate.


They ask for more clues until they know the secret number.

Facilitation tips

  • If the game is too simple for your students, add columns for thousands and millions!