Basic braille
The Snackbar
What’s your favourite sandwich? Choose the first letters of your ingredients and make your own delicious sandwich!
All the animals are prisoners.
Save them by making them swim or fly.
3 lobsters and 5 birds are trapped in a cave.
Set them free: return the lobsters to the sea and the birds to the sky.
How? You find a way!
While learning the letter L and others, the children develop emotional engagement and their imagination.
Connor is visually impaired; he’s playing with his sighted friend Max. Without thinking, Max throws the bricks into the air to ‘launch his birds’. Connor spontaneously imitates him.
8 bricks A, E, P, W, Y and 3 Ls
a bowl of water
Hide the bricks in a bag.
Each letter brick represents an animal: A for albatross, E for eagle, P for parrot, W for woodpecker, Y for yellow canary.
The child takes a brick from the bag.
The adult says: Is it a lobster? If it is, make it swim!
Or is it a bird? If it is, make it fly!
Then it’s up to the child to find a way.
Connor is visually impaired; he’s playing with his sighted friend Max. Without thinking, Max throws the bricks into the air to ‘launch his birds’. Connor spontaneously imitates him.
Okay. Who wants to start?
Okay, so pick a brick. Is it a lobster or a bird? Lobster?
No. So you have to make it fly. Because it’s a bird.
I have to make it fly?
-You decide.
How do you do that?
I have no idea…
-Give it wings?
Pretend it is a bird and make it fly. Can you show us?
Yeah, watch.
Do it! Yes!
Oh! Okay.
It flew away.
Bye-bye birdie!
Your turn. You pick a brick. Is it a lobster or a bird?
-A “L”. It’s a lobster.
So where does the lobster live, do you remember?
In the ocean.
So you put it back in the ocean. Great!
Bye-bye lobster!
-He just swam away.
Your turn Connor.
It’s like a mermaid. I think it’s changing colours.
So, what do you have?
It’s “R”.
Is it a lobster or is it a bird?
I guess it’s a bird.
-Yes, so make it fly.
just throw it how you did it !
Okay. Your turn.
So, how many lobsters do we have in the ocean?
One, two, three.
Three. Perfect!
To encourage familiarity with more letters, you can include more bricks and a wider variety of letters representing different animals.
Help the child tell a story. Ask them:
Where do lobsters live?
Why do you think the animals are trapped in the cave?
Why do you think they are all together?
Why do you think they want to escape?
What do you think they’ll do when you have freed them?
Basic braille
The Snackbar
What’s your favourite sandwich? Choose the first letters of your ingredients and make your own delicious sandwich!
Basic braille
Where is Lily?
Lily is playing on the beach, but Alfie, her dog, has lost her!
Basic braille
Flower Picking
Pick the flowers to make a pretty bouquet.