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Market Shopping

You’re going shopping, but you can only buy things that start with the letter you pick. And don’t forget your list!

Braille Activity

  • Creativity
  • Literacy
  • Socialisation
  • Writing

Level: 1

Number of players: 2 and +

Duration: 15


  • Read and write words

  • Develop memory

  • Engage in pretend-play sequences

  • Develop tactile tracking skills

In this shopping list activity, students find, write and memorise words. The more children, the longer the list, the greater the challenge of memorising (or reading).


To improve vocabulary, writing and reading skills.
Market Shopping is an easy activity to practise with sighted and non-sighted pupils learning to read.

The adult prepares

  • a selection of letter bricks in a bag

  • an alphabet baseplate

  • a baseplate

The children play


Player 1 picks a letter from the bag, places it at the top left corner of the baseplate.

They think of something to buy at the market starting with the letter they picked and they write the word using the letter bricks.

Player 1 says the whole sentence:
“I went to the market and bought lemons”.


Player 2 does the same as player 1 but recites the whole list: “I went to the market and bought lemons and milk”.

The players take turns until the bag is empty and the list is long!

Facilitation tips

In this video, for a quicker game, the children don’t write the whole words.
They just have to memorise the list.

I got “A”.
I went to the market and bought an apple.
I went to the shop
and I bought an apple and a lemon.
Okay, I got “C”.
I went to the market and
I bought an apple, a lemon and a carrot.
I went to the market,
and I bought an apple, a lemon,
a carrot, and… some fries.
I bought an apple.
And what did I buy?
A lemon.
And then what did Amirah buy?
-A carrot.
and what did Niamh buy?
and what have you just bought?
I went to the market
and I bought an apple, a lemon,
a carrot, some French fries, pizza,
Angel Delight, chocolate,
And what was that one?
Oh yeah, banana,
toffee apple.
Rubicon mango, some sweets,
caramel, a Latin book.
And some olives!

  • Encourage players to help each other.

  • Change the list: Buy only fruit, or school supplies, or kitchen appliances.

  • Ask for a whole story: “Can you think of a story using all the words on the list?”