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Twin Friends

The friends are lost. Help them find each other.

Basic braille Activity

  • Classification
  • Pattern of dots
  • Tactile discrimination

Level: 1

Number of players: 1

Duration: 10 min


  • Discover the spatial organisation of a braille cell

  • Compare, sort, match

  • Collect / organise information

  • Develop tactile exploration

Identical bricks are separated. Count their studs, recognise their pattern and reunite the twin friends.


To develop tactile exploration.
To develop term-to-term matching skills.

The adult prepares

  • 1 baseplate

  • 5 pairs of bricks like S,E T, U, #

  • 1 small bag

Separate the 5 twin sets of bricks into 2 groups.
Line one set of bricks up along the top edge of the baseplate, starting top left.
Leave space after each brick.
Hide the other set of bricks in the bag.

The children play


Tell the child to feel one brick on the baseplate and find the twin brick in the bag.

Show the child how to place the brick under its twin friend on the baseplate.

Facilitation tips

  • Encourage exploration of the bricks and counting the studs.

  • Increase the number of bricks.

  • Add non-matching bricks to the bag.

  • Peer play: take turns using the same bag and baseplate.

In the video below, the little girl chose to put the friend above the first brick. No problem!

A lot of friends are here
and want to find other friends.
So, listen to me. Can you get out a brick?
Can you find the same one there?
-Well done.
Another one?
Use your fingers.
Yes, great.
So are there any left?